To be accepted as a full member of the Association, you will have to fulfil the following criteria:

  • Not-for-profit organisation

  • Based in a country that is part of “geographical Europe” (= EEA member states + Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and Baltic states not in EU). Please note: National organisations based in countries not covered by the above definition (e.g. Israel, Turkey, and others) can become associate members only.

  • Permanent character (i.e. organisations set up to implement a time-limited project or campaign will not be accepted as members of EU-IPFF)

  • Formal registration as an NGO with country wide operations (or across multiple countries) OR in process of becoming a formally registered entity OR with the intention to become formally registered

  • Focus on IPF/PF patient advocacy and on supporting IPF /PF patients

  • Proven activities on IPF/PF

  • The leaders of the organisation are IPF/PF patients themselves or relatives of IPF/PF patients

  • Proven willingness and ability to contribute to the work of EU-IPFF

As a full member of EU-IPFF you will be invited to attend and vote during the General Assembly and other relevant meetings during the year. You will also contribute to EU-IPFFs policy and advocacy activities and will receive regular updates and information on all of our projects. 

The member fee is 100 Euros per year.

To apply for membership, please click here and complete the application form and provide the requested documents (latest annual report and accounts, statutes of your organisation). With your registration, your organisation agrees to contribute to the development of EU-IPFF, as well as to share expertise and experience with other EU-IPFF members.

All requests for membership are examined on a case-by-case basis. A committee will review the request and reserves the right to accept or reject the same.

After submission, our team will review your application and get back to you in due course. If you have any questions on how to fill out the form or require more information, please feel free to send an email to

Please find the application form here